• 14 Μαρτίου, 2025

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«Ο Ηρακλής μας είναι μαχητής και με την δύναμη του Θεού θα τον γράψει το άθλο του» – Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ από την Οικογένεια

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National Geographic: Οι κορυφαίες φωτογραφίες του 2015

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Το National Geographic δημοσίευσε τις καλύτερες φωτογραφίες για το 2015 και είναι όπως ακριβώς τις περιμέναμε….

Πολύ περισσότερο από εντυπωσιακές! 

Δείτε τις μοναδικές φωτογραφίες των φωτογράφων του National Geographic!

James Smart. Jaw-dropping, rare anti-cyclonic tornado tracks in open farm land narrowly missing a home near Simla, Colorado

Joel Nsadha. Bwengye lives in a slum called Kamwokya in Kampala, Uganda's capital city. He cherishes his bicycle more than anything else. He brings it to this playground in the slum every evening where he watches kits playing soccer

Francisco Mingorance. On the occasion of the preparation of a report on Ríotinto from the air, I decided to include phosphogypsum ponds located in the marshes of red and whose radioactive discharges has destroyed part of the marsh. As an environmental photojournalist had to tell this story and report it but had to do with an image that by itself attract attention of the viewer. I discovered this on a low-flying training that caught my attention for its resemblance to the impact of an asteroid on its green waters

Yanan Li, Shalamcheh, Khuzestan, Iran. Overlooking Iraq from Iran. There are relics left along the Iran-Iraq boarders. A group of Iranian female students play around an abandoned tank. Among them, one girl stands on the tank with her arms open

Tugo Cheng. As the largest mountain ranges in Central Asia, Tian-shan ('sky-mountain' in Chinese), has one of the best collections of natural landscapes in the world and is seen by many as a paradise for outdoor adventures. Thanks to the richness of sediments compounded with the power of erosion by rivers flowing down the mountains, the north face of Tian-shan is carved into stunning plateaus and colorful canyons hundreds of meters deep, resulting in this surrealist painting in nature

Bence Mate. Colorful chaos. White-fronted Bee-eaters getting together on a bough before going to sleep to their burrows, scraped into a sand wall. I was working on this theme for 18 days, as there were only 5-10 minutes a day, when the light conditions were appropriate, 90% of my trying did not succeed. I used flash lights to light only the ones sitting on the branch, and not to the others, flying above. When in the right angle, the backlight generated rainbow colouring through the wings of the flying birds

Hideki Mizuta, Siauliai, Lithuania. There are about 100,000 crosses in the hill. Many people pray for god and mourned the death of people killed by war. When I visited here, a girl ran through the hill of crosses. It was a strange sight

Simone Monte. The Game (Altinho) in Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro


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Σπαραγμός στην κηδεία της 4χρονης Μελίνας που “έσβησε” άδικα στην Κρήτη – Τραγικές φιγούρες οι γονείς της μικρής (PHOTOS)

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Με το καλημέρα…Παραμονή Πρωτοχρονιάς νέος σεισμός στην Κρήτη

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