• 18 Μαρτίου, 2025
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Ο πεντάμορφος και η… θεία του: Ποιος πασίγνωστος κούκλος ηθοποιός είναι παντρεμένος -και τρελά ερωτευμένος- με αυτή τη γυναίκα; (PHOTOS)

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Τις διακοπές τους στο St Barts για να γιορτάσουν τα 20 χρόνια γάμου απολαμβάνουν οι Χιου Τζάκμαν και Ντέμπορα Λι Φέρνες.

Ο δημοφιλής ηθοποιός και κατά 13 χρόνια γηραιότερη σύζυγός (αυτός 47, αυτή 60) του φαίνονται πιο ερωτευμένοι από ποτέ αδιαφορώντας για τα media που τους έχουν… ξεσκίσει για το πόσο αταίριαστοι είναι.


Δείτε τις φωτογραφίες

Congratulations: Hugh Jackman, 47, and Deborra-Lee Furness, 60, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary with a trip to St Barts

Loved-up: The smitten couple had each other in fits of laughter as they made their way towards the white sandy beach

Just the two of us: The Les Mis star gazed adoringly at his other half, his dark locks slicked back and a thick beard only serving to enhance his rugged manlinessKeeping afloat: The couple put on a close display as they swam together in the the sea

Making a splash: Deborra wore a black swimsuit and a pair of stylish shades, while she tied up her blonde locks in a messy updo

Oops: Deborra appeared to lose her footing as she played in the surf

A true gent: Chivalrous Hugh helped his wife up and made sure she made it safely onto the beach

Laugh out loud: The Wolverine actor looked like he wouldn't want to be anywhere elseBack on dry land: The couple made their way to their sun-loungers after their fun-filled dip

Looking out to sea: Deborra turned her head for a final glimpse of the water before leaving the beach

Time to go: The couple collected their belongings from a row of deserted sun-loungers before departing





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